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Saturday, May 29, 2010


Thought I would at least let you all know how much I love sports and all as well as what teams I follow and crap.

Of course my favorite sport is football. Now I like college ALOT more than professional when it comes to this because alot of the pros are a buncha damn cry babies or thugs or just plain stupid. You all know what I am talking about. But then again some of the college players aren't playing with a full deck either...especially here in Colorado. We had the punter from Northern Colorado University who wanted to be the starting kicker so bad he stabbed the starter in the leg.

Needless to say he isn't in college anymore...hopefully there is some cans to kick in the pen. We also had a Colorado Buffalo player get so mad at a girl for breaking up on him he broke into her dorm room and took a shit in her closet. I don't know about you folks but I have been broke up with alot and have never done anything like that. I do give him credit for originality though...I guess the Nair in the shampoo just didn't quite say it for him.

But back to college...I am a HUGE Michigan fan. Now not because they are the winningest program in college football history, which you couldn't tell after the past 3 seasons, but because when I was 8 I thought they had the coolest uniforms.

When it comes to pro I have bounced around when it came to teams I like. Loved the Steelers in the 70's because of Lynn Swann. Loved the Broncos in the 80's because of John Elway. Tried my best to love the Detroit Lions in the 90's due to Barry Sanders...talk about a one sided deal there. And I was in SC when we got the Panthers. So they are my NFC team untill I die now. But I have since moved from there and now reside in Denver so I am back to following the Broncos. Trust me folks...I don't know how other major cities are...but these people are fucking nuts about their Broncos. They could almost care less about the Rockies, or the Avalanche or the Nuggets...But by God they LOVE their Broncos.

Ok...I also love baseball. Was a big Atlanta braves fan all through the 90's because of Ron Gant. He was the only ripped guy who wasn't on steroids. But now I live here and since The Rockies don't have that big of a following I am for them. I have been to about 5 games since i moved here and it really is a great ballpark...well except for the nudie bar prices on beer. I wish someone will tell these assholes "Hey!! They make the shit right down the road!! Can I get a discount?" Untill that happens I am stuck paying $6.50.

Other sports...well being from the south I like NASCAR...root for Jeff Gordon. Don't care too much for basketball. After Bird, Magic, and Jordan left it turned into the stupid hip hop and lets see who can have the most tattoos on their neck shit. I do like however to watch the college playoffs.

What else...well you know about chess and poker. I am also a decent pool player and can bowl in the 170's...damn...I guess that is about it.

Well untill next time some outlandish thing pops in my head..have fun!


Friday, May 28, 2010

Chess News

It would seem that Gata Kamsky has risen back to the top ranks and captured the US title again. He is one of the top players I have never gotten to meet...and after hearing alot about him I guess I might be lucky. I have hobnobbed with quite a few back in the day when I was still playing OTB tourneys...now I stick to playing online at Gameknot.

Also good ol Vishy took out Topalov to keep the World Championship under his belt. He better get prepared because I think this little Magnus Carlsen kid might have his number in the next defense.

I do still play alot online and try and keep up but as age keeps creeping on me, which I have refrenced to quite a bit as of late, I am finding myself not as sharp. I now am content with the draw rather than fighting into an endgame where i might have a slight advantage. That shit takes ALOT of brain power and patience...which it would seem I am starting to run in short supply of.

Luckily though all of the years of chess have really made me a VERY good poker player. I plan on hitting Blackhawk quite a few times this summer ( that is where our casinos are here in Colorado ) and hopefully win a few tourneys. It would be sweet to win the qualifier for the WSOP. I win that and get to go...well school will have to take a hiatus. I have been on TV alot...mostly on Comedy Central but NEVER on ESPN.

Now wouldn't that be a dream come true!

So all of you that might be reading this...look for nmdavidb either on Gameknot or over at Ultimatebet.

Sit down and play a game or a few hands with me!!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another sign...

of geting old I guess of course is that I have absloutely no idea what music is popular now. I mean I hear some kind of crap blaring out of people's car windows sometimes but I really can't qualify it as "music".

I basically listen to all talk radio now...mostly ESPN Radio. I do catch some Limbaugh and a couple of the local political shows here and there and of course listen to Coast to Coast with George Nowry at night unless the wife wants to watch a movie for us to fall asleep to. But I started wondering when this change took place.

I think it happened for real when I was in Portland Oregon and living a miserable existence with a woman that had the intelligence level Cream of Wheat. I was about 30 and was sitting in the car on break from one of the mindless manufacturing jobs I held over the past 20 years and couldn't find any decent music to listen to so i switched to the AM station by accident. Remember when we were kids and all AM ever had on it was classical and old fogie shit? Well I do, which is why I was pleasently surprised to find people talking about stuff on there. I have been hooked ever since and of course am in school now to get my degree and hopefully be able to run my mouth on the radio.

But music really started dying in the 90's I guess. Either that and i am just stuck in the 80's and miss albums like ACDC used to put out that you could just put it on and let it play. Remember that shit? Then all of the sudden you would have to buy the whole record for 1 or 2 good songs and the rest was pretty much crap.

Now i hear the demon child playing this utter garbage called Tech 9 in her room and i swear it's enough to make you wanna stick a fish scaler through your temple so you don't have to hear it anymore.

Oh well...I guess I am just old and not with it anymore...which is ok...because I would rather pour honey on my balls and sit on an ant hill then listen to the crap they call music today.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bathroom Stuff for Men!

I know, not the best subject I could actually talk about...but I found a company here that has the BEST stuff you could imagine.

I was messing around on Ebay about a year ago and looking at shaving soaps because I switched to using a straight razor. First off folks I know it sounds so scary to shave with one of these...but it really is not that hard and as long as you progress slowly when you start you shouldn't hurt yourself too much.

I started because the price of disposable razors keep going up and the Mach 5's or the Fusion's replacement blades will just kill your wallet. So I looked at the straight razors on Ebay and first went for where they are made. If you get one ALWAYS either Solingen Germany, Sheffield England, Or Eskilstuna Sweden. I have been dealing with knives all my life and those 3 cities you will NEVER go wrong.

Well brand new Dovos from Solingen ran about $200. I thought damn! That ain't saving any money...so I looked at vintage straight razors...used ones. My first one was a Solingen one that I got from a couple in Bulgaria. Their father had died and he was a barber and had shaved people with this razor for about 40 years. Got it for I think about $20. And it is the one razor I will NOT put a handle on. Check out my handmade crap and you will see what I mean.

Ok...got my razor. So now I need soap, a mug, a brush, a strop, and a hone. Mug and brush pretty easy to do...got a nice Old Spice one and it came with two brushes. Strop...bought a brand new one...Hone...first one was a 12,000 grit ( I now have 3 ranging from 1,000 to 15,000 ) and then I needed some soap.

Bought some handmade crap that seemed ok but just never worked great. Tried Williams shaving soap...which for the price folks is awesome. But then I found a small company out of Nebraska.

Th Ogallala Bay Rum Company. Tried their soap...not bad at all...but got some free samples of their other stuff and fell in love!!

The aftershave stopped my dry skin problem. Their balm cured the cracks in the wife's heels. The air fresheners make the house small great. The cologne is awesome and I wear it completely now...Shelly wears the limes and peppercorn and it makes her smell beyond sexy.

Trust me folks...the owner's name is John and we talk on the phone alot due to me starting up the straight razor honing business and we are working out a deal to make his stuff big here in Colorado.

So check it out and let me know what you think! I swear one product will make you want to have all of it.



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Getting Old

George Carlin talked about this alot...how we lie to ourselves and we don't say "I am getting old"...we say, "I am getting older". Trust me folks having the equivalent of a master's degree in the bullshit department I lie to myself alot.

Point being is that apparently while Shelly was in the hospital again and I being the wonderful hubby I am I pinched a nerve sleeping in that shitty recliner thing they offer. Slept there for 4 out of the 6 nights she was in.

Have you ever popped your arm out of socket right at the shoulder? Feels kinda funky for a bit when it happens...and then you deal with a very irritable pain for a few days and then it's gone. At 38 I think they have given up on irritable and gone for downright agony. I swear my shoulder feels like someone is cramming a needle into it.

I can't laugh or sneeze or even fart without almost passing out due to the pain. Needless to say I have been administering my own form of 12 oz anisthetic. Seems alcohol will cure stuff whether your pour it on ya or in ya. And add a few percocet and I can actually function for a bit.

It is sad though...getting old. Of course the opposite would really suck but it's hard to deal with this kinda crap. I don't skateboard anymore because when I miss a heelflip I end up laying on the pavement for about 10 minutes hoping my spleen is still intact. I still love to ride my bikes...I have a Specialized Rock Hopper mountain bike and my boy "Trigger", a 2002 Specialized 415 Pro...which is a 20" BMX. Punch that into Google and you can see him. Only about 15 were sold in the US...and i got one...sorry folks...not for sale.

But even riding those...especially the 20" wears me the hell out. I guess chess and poker are about all I can do anymore...those only make my head hurt from time to time.

Oh well...another look into the mind of your friendly neighborhood comic.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hooray Arizona!!!

I am beyong happy that Arizona is finally taking the steps into ridding our country of illegal immigrants. Now of course there is a huge uprising against it here in Colorado...and mostly illegals and a buncha dumbasses doing it.

Illegals have been and continue to ruin our country. They exploit the system, cause more crime, have completely fucked up the schools and their funding, and now they are screaming they have rights.

What rights? The ones in the Constitution? The ones that protect me from you? Yep that is correct...you have no rights.

Either come here correct or get the hell out.

I can't wait for this bill to pass here!!!
